Opening: Friday, 19 November 2010, 7 p.m.
Exhibition: 20 November - 18 December 2010
Book Presentation: Wednesday, 8 December 2010, 7 p.m.
Book Presentation: Wednesday, 8 December 2010, 7 p.m.
Interfaces of everyday life, and urban space and its medial representations are key topics in Susanne Huth’s photographs and video work. Her immediate spatial environment and personal surroundings are the starting point for her artistic work, where normal activities such as the popcultural Parkourlaufen (tracing) or Poesiealbum schreiben (writing in an autograph book) are grounds for thoughtful tracing.
The work Parkour originated in Paris where Susanne Huth lived for several months on a cultural exchange scholarship from the Berlin Senate. She moved around the Boulevard Périphérique and the nearby suburbs of Paris as a tracer, as someone who “lays a (glance) trail” rather than “paves the way”. Using film and a series of photographic images, Huth reveals urban, economic and historical facets of the architectural landscape on the Parisian periphery.
In her art book Poesie (poetry) published this year by Fotohof in Salzburg, Huth sends the viewer on quite a different trail and takes a backward glance at her East German childhood. Traces emerge here in the form of detailed architectural images and charming reproductions of the autograph album she had as a child. In her book Poesiealbum Magdeburg-Nord (Autograph Album Magdeburg-Nord), the Berlin writer Annett Gröschner describes – likewise from an autobiographical perspective – the relation between public space and private realm captured in Susanne Huth’s images. The customary gaze of the viewer is set in motion by Parkour and Poesie, becomes fragmented and, with the arrangement of separate pieces, is pushed forward to new ways of seeing.
The Loris Gallery extends you an invitation to the book presentation of Poesie on 8 December 2010 at 7 p.m in the Gallery. Michael Mauracher of Fotohof Salzburg, author Annett Gröschner and artist Susanne Huth will attend. Elke Tesch will act as presenter.